Friday, March 14, 2014

Nocturnal Topography or Things That are on My Bed (Not Including Me)

Sheets and pillows of course, and a blanket that my grandma made for me when I graduated high school, and a blue nightgown balled up in the corner that my ex-boyfriend gave me which I pretended to love, but it's actually really itchy so I never wear it (except for laundry day), and my laptop which stays on while I sleep and beams bright white light into my dreams, and the Important American Novel that I am trying to read, and the romance novel with Fabio on the cover that I am actually reading, and the envelope my last gas bill came in and at least three pens and the sparkly clutch that fits either my wallet or my phone but not both, and down at the bottom a plate that used to have a sandwich on it which i ate in bed after work yesterday while watching Seinfeld, and my calendar open to three weeks from now because that's the time I want it to be.

So I would invite you to stay, but there isn't any room.

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