
Gena Parsons is a grad student getting a business degree at an arts college. In her spare time she writes strange poems and aspires to be Dorothy Parker. Unlike these other excellent ladies, she does not have another blog. 

Becky Robison is blog-obsessed. In 2011, while she was working a boring 9-5 job, she started writing a flash fiction blog, Pretending to Know You, in which she told tales of the people she saw during her daily commute. Now she is pursuing her fiction MFA at University of Nevada Las Vegas. (Delightful and potentially impractical dreams really do come true.) She blogs about that, too, at Viva Las Becky.

Leta Keane is a writer with the soul of a scientist. Or maybe the other way around? She works at a science museum, where she gets to stick her fingers in frozen sheep hearts (not attached to the sheep) and help visitors get Daphnia magna drunk on a daily basis. She blogs sporadically about life and other weird stuff at Love & Rocketships.

Interested in becoming a guest author? Find out more below.

Guest authors rotate into the schedule. Part of the fun of writing in this format is the limited timeframe. The story you're supposed to get your inspiration from goes up on a Tuesday or Friday (at midnight), and then you've got just a day or two to crank something out!

Here's how it works:
  1. Contact us (be sure to express your interest in contributing, AND be extra-sure to include your contact email).
  2. We send you an email with two dates: the first date is the day your inspiration-story will be posted; the second date is the due date for your story.
  3. Wait with increasing impatience until the story-before-yours is posted.
  4. Get inspired. Pick a word, an image, a plot device, the story structure - anything is fair game - and build on it!
  5. Write like crazy! Don't worry about perfection; most of these stories are rough drafts. The point isn't to make something perfect, but just to make something at all.
  6. Send us your story by no later than 11:59pm on your due date.*
  7. Wait impatiently for your story to post.
  8. Once it posts, proudly share it with the world!
  9. Check back to see where your story takes the next author.
* A few notes:
There's not a lot we won't publish in terms of content or style, but we tend to avoid publishing stories that promote hatred toward any group, as well as anything gratuitously violent or pornographic. Keep that in mind when writing your story!

We accept original flash fiction, short fiction, and poetry. While we value longer pieces (and would be impressed if you managed to write a novel in two days), this is not really the platform for anything exceeding 1,000 words ... unless you REALLY impress us.

If you fail to send us a story by your due date, we reserve the right to fill your allotted day with something else. Deadlines, while sometimes annoying, are still important to us! It matters to us that we keep All Together Now running smoothly; we hope it matters to you, too!

We will not edit your story; this means any punctuation or spelling errors will show up exactly as is. We'll let you know by email our preferred submission format.

We only publish pieces that have not appeared anywhere else, either online or in print. You retain the rights to your story, and may submit it elsewhere. We do not accept simultaneous submissions. We reserve the right to not publish a contribution, without notice (although we'll make an effort to notify you if something like that does come up).

If you'd like to be a guest author, please contact us!