It's so easy to fool people. These days, anyway.
All you need are the right credentials - a few documents, a few files and codes in the right databanks, and you're in. People accept you as a person. I mean, a handful of centuries ago, it was so much work, winning their trust. It took decades to craft a disguise, years of careful persuasion and research and diligence. And even then, the humans were still suspicious. You could look right, talk right, even smell right and they'd still carry a little piece of iron with them, keep some rowan in their homes, avoid looking you in the eye. They still worried you might not be what you seemed. There was so much fear.
But now, ha, it's easy. They're hardly aware of being human themselves, let alone worrying if the neighbor is, too. They rely on numbers. Little bits of data and they just relax, content with whatever lies you tell them about yourself.
I talked with a waitress about this recently, just before I ate her. She said she thought that people didn't examine themselves too closely because they're afraid they'll find a monster looking back. That maybe everyone's a little less human these days.
Maybe she was right. It's so easy to blend in.
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